Well, I have completely closed my Etsy shop. As I moved items over to this website, I took the items off of Etsy and I completely closed the shop today. I wanted that shop to work but I truly think that Etsy has become overcrowded and has started moving into a direction that doesn't really support their small shops. So, here we are. Wix has several options for online shops so I will be doing my research on those and trying those out as appropriate. Anyway, I am still adding items here and hope that you go over to my shop to take a peek! My new section of printed items is something that I will be growing and I will be adding items to my crocheted section, the plush toys and journal sections as well. Still working on learning my equipment for YouTube so that is coming up also. I will be adding a couple of blogs today and tomorrow (sorry, I got behind, I actually pulled some muscles in my back again and have been down for a few days with that. 🙄) So, please come back to check those out! Thank you for dropping by!
Happy crafting sweeties!